Online Forex Currency Trading Info

There is too much online forex currency trading info available, sometimes it can be very difficult to decipher what is genuine and useful information and what is essentially rubbish. It is no great secret that currency trading is one of the most lucrative areas to be involved in currently and it is important to have the right information and the right tools at your disposal before you begin trading.

As mentioned there is an absolute wealth of online forex currency trading info sites around and it can be difficult to decide what is genuine and what is not. Here are some pointers which might help you quickly decide whether or not the information is useful:

Seek Sites Created By Actual Experienced Forex Traders

You would be surprised but there are a wealth of online forex currency info sites created by inexperienced forex trader's pr even worse by people who know nothing about trading. Keep an eye out for testimonials and qualifications,

Avoid Sites Full Of Google Advertisements

This is a sure fire sign that the webmaster is looking only to monetize the site via visitors clicking on banner ads. More than likely the content has been stolen or plagiarised and may be of little to no value

Money Back Guarantees On All Products

Another thing to watch out for, specifically if you are considering some form of forex trading software from a site, always ensure that there is a 100% money back guarantee. Personally I would also be wary of paid monthly subscriptions to forex trading services unless you believe the product to be highly reputable.


There is a wealth of online forex currency trading info on the internet, hopefully this article has given you some ideas on what to look for and what to avoid.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is Your Town A Fair Trade Town?

Is your town a Fair Trade Town? If you live in Media, Pennsylvania, Brattleboro, Vermont, Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Amherst, Massachusetts, it is. And if you don't? There may be a group of advocates working to make your town a Fair Trade Town, too.

Fair Trade Towns USA is a group of advocates working to promote fair trade on the national and local level. It acts as a resource group that assists local communities in individually establishing their status as Fair Trade Towns. But there is no single governing body that certifies a town or city as a Fair Trade Town. Rather, each community may publicly declare that it is a Fair Trade Town once the town has met the five goals set forth by Fair Trade Towns USA. Those five goals are:

1. A local Fair Trade Steering Committee is formed and meets on a regular basis. The purpose of the steering committee is to engage in education, outreach and events in order to increase awareness of and demand for fair trade products.

2. A number of stores, cafes and other retail outlets in the Fair Trade Town carries fair trade products, including products that are Fair Trade Certified by TransFair USA and products sold by members of the Fair Trade Federation. The number of retail outlets suggested by Fair Trade Towns USA is proportional to the population of the town seeking Fair Trade Town status. For a town of 10,000 or less, there should be at least one retail business selling at least two lines of fair trade products for every 2,500 residents in a town. For a town of more than 10,000 residents, there should be at least one store for every 5,000 residents.

3. Fair trade products are used by a number of local institutions, such as places of worship, schools, hospitals and offices.

4. The local campaign reaches out to local media, including press and radio, to gain visible public support.

5. The town or city council of the Fair Trade Town passes a resolution supporting fair trade and the local fair trade towns campaign and commits to serving fair trade products at its meetings.

Fair Trade Towns USA was inspired by Fairtrade Towns in the UK, where the first Fair Trade Town, Garstang, Lancashire, was recognized in 2000. There are now hundreds of Fairtrade Towns in the UK.

More and more towns and cities in the United States are working to become Fair Trade Towns, including Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Boston. And if your town isn't a Fair Trade Town, it may be one of the towns working to become one.

Kathleen Hobbins is the President and CEO of Sister Kate's Products, LLC. Based in Chicago, IL, Sister Kate's is an e-commerce company specializing in fair trade products. Visit Sister Kate's website at: Kathleen is committed to fair trade and other social justice issues.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Forex Signal, Forex Signals Advice

There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?

Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.

There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers......

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